Deep Relaxation

with Tracee Stanley

Yoga Nidra for Rest and Renewal

The free period of this course is made possible by Pukka Herbs

Sign up to take this course for free from June 8 to 12.

Experience the state of “yogic sleep,” with your body fully relaxed but your consciousness awake.

Yoga Nidra is a healing salve for modern times.

We all need a mind-body reset, especially in the face of so much information overload, the fatigue after yet another restless night of constant thoughts, and the endless to-do list that seems, well, endless.

As we wind ourselves up, we need to learn how to wind down.

Deep Relaxation with Tracee Stanley is a 5-day course that teaches you how to fully surrender into relaxation through the practice of yoga nidra. You will learn to peel away layers of stress and drop into non-doing, the body’s sanctuary of restoration and healing.


In this course, you’ll experience incredible benefits, such as:
A sense of calm no matter the circumstances
A feeling of internal stillness and contentment
A deep well of confidence and renewal
A strengthened connection to your intuition 
Full, conscious breathing throughout the day
More patience with yourself and others

Meet Your Teacher

Tracee Stanley has been a student of yoga since 1995 and currently shares teachings that are sourced from over 18 years of study in the tradition of the Himalayan Masters, Sri Vidya and Tantra. Since 2004, Tracee’s focus has been on meditation, self-empowerment and self-inquiry, sankalpa (intention) and yoga nidra. Founder of Sankalpa Shakti Yoga School and co-founder of Empowered Wisdom Yoga NIdra School Tracee teaches internationally and taught yoga and meditation on the most recent Girls Getaway with Oprah and Gayle in the Bahamas. Tracee’s first book is being published by Shambhala Publishing in March of 2021.

"Working with Tracee has been one of the most important experiences of my life. Creating my personal Sankalpa with her to practice over my 40 days of Yoga Nidra allowed me to shed the long held layers of creative resistance I have carried all these years. It also allowed me to sink into the truth of myself at my core - and find my true voice of service in this world.... If you haven’t worked or studied with Tracee yet - run, don’t walk, to do so."

Licia Morelli - Portland, ME
President, Author, Poet

How Commune Courses Work

Learning is a collective experience at Commune: Starting June 8, you will receive a daily email with access to course videos during the 5-day program. This encourages all participants to move through the course together. After June 12, the free period will end and the course will lock. If you want immediate, lifetime access, you can buy the course or Commune Membership.

Enjoy, at last, this place of no-thought.

In this yoga nidra course, you’ll move through the layers of the subtle body (physical, energetic, mental, intuitive, and bliss) as well as the states of consciousness (waking, dreaming, and deep sleep) to invite in the deepest level of peace and tranquility you’ve ever known. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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