
Day 4

(Scroll down to watch both videos for today)


Listening and Prayer

There is a term used in the Course in Miracles: “The small still voice for God.” Think of yourself as having a radio link to the voice for God. Everybody has this radio link. The problem for most of us is there's so much static in the radio that we can't hear the voice—but it is there. So the issue isn't whether or not God is talking to us, the issue is whether or not we are practiced at listening. This is what meditation does. This is what prayer does.


Helping Students Open Up

In the Course In Miracles, it talks about opening someone enough, but not opening them so fast or so far, that as it promotes ‘learning failure.’ People will subconsciously let you know how far they can go, and how far you're invited to go with them. It is an intuitive guidance and an art form that you develop, but at the same time you don’t want to coddle their feeling of victimization, or enroll in the fact that they were treated so awful. That’s usually an ego trip on the part of the teacher.

Day 1: Ambition

Day 2: Spiritual Basics

What’s Happening in WeCommune

Exclusive WeCommune Content: Guided meditation for listening


Your work will continue for years to come...

We commend you for showing up here and now. Yet, we well know that to teach is to practice—and to practice is to constantly remind yourself of what is true. Carry these teachings with you as a reminder, as part of your practice.

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The full course includes 14 lectures, 11 group sessions, and three downloadable audio meditations.

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