The Power of Presence is a 5-week online meditation training to help you recognize and lead from the power you already have within.

Through recorded lectures, breathwork practices, and guided meditations, you will come away from this 25-hour program with a deep understanding and practical toolbox for bringing more power and presence into your meditation practice and your life.

By taking this program, you will also elevate the effectiveness of your work with others, whether you are already a meditation teacher (or interested in becoming one), a therapist, a coach, a leader within your company or family, or someone committed to making a difference in the lives of others.

The meditation practices, contemplations, mantras, and journaling prompts are all designed to grow your capacity to align with and act from grace.


The Power of Presence is a 5-week online meditation training to help you recognize and lead from the power you already have within.

Through recorded lectures, breathwork practices, guided meditations, and live Q&A calls, you will come away from this 25-hour program with a deep understanding and practical toolbox for bringing more power and presence into your meditation practice and your life.

By taking this program, you will also elevate the effectiveness of your work with others, whether you are already a meditation teacher (or interested in becoming one), a therapist, a coach, a leader within your company or family, or someone committed to making a difference in the lives of others.

The meditation practices, contemplations, mantras, journaling prompts, and weekly live sessions are all designed to grow your capacity to align with and act from grace.

Inspire your meditation practice with new depth.


“I believe that the purpose of the human life is to wake up to our true nature. Everything else is, well, everything else. And there are things we can do along the way - ways we can approach life - to use everything, that enable and empower us to walk towards enlightened awareness and letting go of the habitual tendency to react, contract, or blame. At the core of this program is self-actualization. We want to be actively aware of the wellbeing of the people we're teaching, leading, and loving.” ~ Scott Schwenk


In this 5-week training, you will learn:

  • Multiple ways of working alchemically with the breath to transform the energy of the moment
  • Methods for entering the spaciousness of meditation in any situation
  • How to leverage the condensed power of mantra for strength, guidance and personal growth
  • Ways to go beyond mere thinking and extrapolating and instead use contemplation to unveil deeper creative insights
  • How to integrate and embody personal insights in your own teaching and relationships

Meet Your Teacher

Scott Schwenk is a hybrid of practicality and visionary insight who has been catalyzing the inner evolution and leadership development of individuals and organizations for more than 25 years.

He spent several years living and studying in a Hindu-Tantric monastery in his twenties, and has since cultivated a number of apprenticeships in leadership development, tantric meditation/philosophy, and Vedic ritual.

His teaching is a blend of stillness, unexpected expansion, laughter, discovery and potent, actionable insights designed to help people wake up, grow up, clean up, and show up.

“Whether you are a meditation or yoga instructor, facilitating one-on-one experiences, leading large groups, or simply want to take a leap in your personal practice, people who take Power of Presence are going to grow exponentially. You’ll wake up to your true nature of existence. Meaning, you’ll be free of what so many often get caught up in: appearances and approval-seeking. All the powers of the universe live within the individual in seed form. This training is about waking up those seeds, feeding and nourishing them, and letting them expand your life into limitless love, joy, creative power, and purpose. Once you know this for yourself, you can share it with others.”

Power of Presence is for you if you are ready to:

  • Increase the positive impact you make in the world through the power of your presence
  • Be a leader, teacher, or spiritual guide who communicates with ease and clarity
  • Better understand what makes meditation more effective — whether for yourself or when sharing mindfulness practices with others
  • Receive and experience greater abundance in your own life
  • Grow, evolve, and awaken into your highest potential
  • Work and communicate in an aligned, authentic way
  • Make a lasting difference in people’s lives

What Students Are Saying About Scott

“These past days have been an incredible journey for me. I’ve had the universe guide me before, when I am “on the beam,” but this is different. It seems as though this is much deeper. Incredible changes are happening. I am definitely being shown a path. It’s astounding how much I’ve grown.”

~ Betsy

“I've been practicing with this course off and on, mostly on, for over a year now. It's true, what Scott says, about there being no ceiling to the releasing of tension patterns.”


“I have been breathing my whole life but Scott introduced me to my true breath. One session with Scott was more impactful and spiritually awakening than I could have ever imagined. He is such a generous teacher and mentor with a warrior spirit.” 

~ Kevin

“Scott’s the real deal! He led me to the gateway of flow state, on the cushion and out in the real world. I’m more focused, more productive, and waaaaaay more prone to bouts of spontaneous joy. Do you ever feel like you could be living your most fantastical, in the moment, awesome life if you could get out of your own way? Yeah that was me too. If that resonates, work with him! He will guide you with love, humor and bonus sprinkles of life hacks along the way.”

~ Coni

“I found Scott early on my meditation journey. From the beginning, his insight, knowledge and passion taught me to go deeper into the practice and to get quiet when the world is spinning. I utilize his Six Points of Softening on a regular basis. If you choose to work with Scott, trust that things will begin to shift for you.”

 ~ Lu P.

Power of Presence Training Overview

Power of Presence is designed as a 5-week program with 25 sessions (5 per week). Each session consists of 30-minute lessons, followed by a mix of breathwork, meditation, and contemplation. Students should plan to spend 5-7 hours per week moving through the course.

Scott will be guiding a committed group of students through the program week-by-week. After 5 weeks, all students will continue to have lifetime access to all the course sessions.


Frequently Asked Questions

We are here to help you feel confident that this program is right for you! If you don't see your question answered here, email us at [email protected].

Scott shares the shifts he has seen students experience while facilitating this program:


 Plus, 4 more great reasons to take this training:

Embody Mindfulness for Life

Instead of striving and working for something, all you need to do is BECOME it. To awaken the qualities within you that will guide you into living as your most aligned, authentic self. Power of Presence can be the key to unlock what’s already within you, so you can become who you’re meant to be — for yourself and others.

Be a Kind & Clear Communicator

Empathy, compassion, generosity — this training will help you expand these capacities such that when you communicate, your words land with lovingkindness. If you want to be of service to the world, you will certainly need to communicate with others, often when things are at their messiest and most emotional. Clarity and self-knowledge are essential in these moments.

Learn the Keys to a Transformational Class

Whether you are working with people one-on-one or in group settings or practicing on your own at home, this training will provide you with the insights to understand what makes a meditation or breathwork class so transformative. Learn how to hold space for others to transform as well!

Rewire Your Brain for Bliss

The practices you learn in this program have the power to transform the neural pathways and energetic patterns of your body. With time, you will establish the ground conditions for heightened, prolonged, and sustainable states of joy, ease, love, and peace.

Reserve your spot.

Power of Presence Training with Scott Schwenk


  • 25 high-quality dharma talks (30 minutes each) on the core tenets of Presence 25 total meditation and breathwork practices (30 minutes each) designed specifically to integrate each week’s dharma talks 
  • 20 downloadable worksheets that include key takeaways, journaling prompts, and additional resources
  • In total, more than 25 hours of in-depth training to increase the impact you make in the world! At the end of the program you will receive a certificate (valid for 25 hours of Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit through the Subject Matter Expert pathway) 


  • 1 full year of Commune Membership ($240 value), which includes Scott’s courses Ecstatic Breathwork and Abundant Joy, along with hundreds of lessons, classes, and practices in health, spirituality, social impact, and personal growth 
  • Lifetime access to Living from the Heart ($199 value), Scott’s newest Commune course, which includes more than 10 hours of lessons and meditations to help you expand your capacity for love, compassion, and kindness – for yourself and others.  

Still not sure? Interested in paying in monthly installments? Email us at [email protected]m.


About Communiversity

Join us for in-depth trainings that are flexible with your schedule!
Investing in yourself now will return a lifetime of powerful benefits, whether you're looking to become a more in-demand teacher who students love, or find deeper meaning and fulfillment in your personal practice.

If you've ever felt a longing to go well beyond a surface-level understanding of yoga, meditation, nutrition, mindful leadership, or personal development – and see just how much you're capable of – Communiversity will provide the guidance, support, and concentrated wisdom, to help you reach your full potential.