If Commune Membership is where you can discover a wide variety of daily lessons for living with intention, purpose, and joy, then Communiversity is where you can go deep into a particular area of study.
Reaching the level of proficiency you'll discover in Communiversity courses would likely take years of study on your own and thousands of dollars spent on individual classes.
But by combining world class teachers with an online curriculum designed to be efficient and effective, we make it possible to progress more than you thought possible in just 5 weeks of at-home learning.
Investing in yourself now will return a lifetime of powerful benefits, whether you're looking to become a more in-demand teacher who students love, or find deeper meaning, fulfillment, and health in your personal life.
If you've ever felt a longing to go well beyond a surface-level understanding of yoga, meditation, nutrition, integrative medicine, or mindful leadership — Communiversity will provide the guidance, support, and concentrated wisdom, to help you reach your full potential.

Current Trainings

Beautiful Hormones
with Dr. Sara Gottfried
Beautiful Hormones with Dr. Sara Gottfried is a 5-week online program with weekly lectures, live calls, and community support. Under Dr. Sara’s guidance, you’ll go through her 5-step hormone-balancing protocol that has helped over 25,000 women bring their hormones into balance and thrive through midlife and beyond. No more confusion, overwhelm, or frustration with perimenopause, menopause, or other hormone-related conditions such as menstrual issues or PCOS. No matter your age, learn to love and honor your body – and its ever-evolving hormonal journey.
Upcoming Semester: October 2024

Spiritual Essentials
with Danielle LaPorte
Spiritual Essentials with Danielle LaPorte is a 5-week video course that helps you get clear on what’s really serving your path and practice—and ditching the rest. This is a devotional Refresh. Your chance to move toward spiritual inspiration and away from compulsive self-improvement. By simplifying your practice down to the essentials that are right for you, right now, you can go deeper into your heart center, where all the healing and transmutation actually happens. You will learn how to trust your inner strength instead of outer dependence.

Form & Flow
with Schuyler Grant
Form & Flow with Schuyler Grant is a 5-week online training that will keep you in love with yoga for life. Whether you are a student who wants to bring more nuance and depth to your practice or a teacher craving inspiration, this program offers an efficient overview and fresh perspectives on alignment, anatomy, injury prevention, sequencing, yoga philosophy, and subtle practices such as bandha and pranayama.

The Power of Presence
with Scott Schwenk
The Power of Presence is a deep dive through five pillars of Practice, Integrity, Preparation, Inner State and Empathy. Through 25 hours of Dharma talks and associated practices, we explore the levers and dials of effective communication. This training will show you the ways that we can all use universal energy and preserve our personal energy as we tap into the Power of Presence.
“Commune has brought a lot of clarity to my mind and spirit in what I want to achieve with my life and how I live and interact with others. It all feels very personal and like you're a part of something bigger.”
~ Victoria, Commune Member
Have questions about our trainings?
Our team is here to help you get the most out of Communiversity.